Adds buttons to your content easily with lots of customization options.
[rescue_button color="black" url="#" title="The button title" target="blank" border_radius="3px"] Black Button [/rescue_button]
Toggle Content
Maybe for an awesome FAQ page? The sky’s the limit.
Conubia consectetuer etiam eiusmod porro, quisque?
Etiam eiusmod quisque?
Varius, possimus iaculis asperiores?
This Is Your Toggle Title
[rescue_toggle title="This Is Your Toggle Title"] This is the toggle content. [/rescue_toggle]
500+ Icons by Font Awesome
Simply enter the icon name list on the Font Awesome icon directory and adjust the shortcode settings. A few examples:
[icon type="heart" size="2x" pull="left" color="#cccccc"] [/icon]
Wrap anything with the animation shortcode and watch it come alive!
[rescue_animate type="bounceInUp" duration="2s" delay="0s" iteration="1"] Content to animate. [/rescue_animate]
Google Map
Display a Google Map for any location on any post or page.
[rescue_googlemap title="Rescue Themes Offices" location="5046 S Greenwood Ave, Chicago, IL 60615" zoom="14" height=250]
Notification Boxes
Have certain sections of text stand out by creating notices or alerts with the Notification Box shortcode.
[rescue_box color="yellow" text_align="left" width="100%" float="none"] This sentence will be displayed as a notification. [/rescue_box]
Text Highlights
Quickly highlight sections of text to help more important words stand out.
Blue: The Merchandise Mart is a commercial building located in the Near North Side of Chicago.
Gray: The Merchandise Mart is a commercial building located in the Near North Side of Chicago.
Green: The Merchandise Mart is a commercial building located in the Near North Side of Chicago.